1792a. In March. De Bonreceuille reports that d'Odoucet has seized Etteilla's private papers and is usurping Etteilla's role. He is also selling Etteilla's merchandise, as evidenced by the 40 cards of the original first edition of Etteilla's Tarot that Thierry Depaulis owns, where on the Eight of Batons, Etteilla has obliterated the engraving and used a pen to insert his own name and address. (Decker p. 199, from Wicked Pack, p. 91.) Hugand moves to Paris and collaborates with d'Odoucet until 1794, running a small press with him. Hugand, like Etteilla, is a supporter of the Revolution. D'Odoucet is a Royalist. (Decker p. 199.)
1792b. In August, King and Queen of France imprisoned. September, monarchy declared abolished. Sept. 21 is the beginning of a new calendar, "an I" (year 1) of the French Revolution.
1793-1794. German translation of Cours théorique et pratique du livre de Thot, in Leipzig. (DDD p. 100), published by Baumgärtner, Leipzig, as listed in a book catalog at https://books.google.de/books?hl=de&id=-oYzcSvjm7MC&dq=eteilla&q=Hisler#v=snippet&q=Hisler&f=false, on p. 127 (it is listed without Hisler's name, but the information is repeated on p. 128, for the next year). For scans of relevant pages and English translation see Huck at http://forum.tarothistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=827&sid=a436ee9e5ce416928c820a15e7e4bbfe. Also in 1793, per DDD’s dating (p. 113, but perhaps 1794 per Huck), an Etteilla deck with German keywords, elements, and days of creation, in script at top and bottom. Hand colored. The bottom keywords on the first 12 cards are printed right-side up. Card One has “Etteilla” and “Forschung” (Search) as keywords. Otherwise the cards are identical to the original 1789 deck, including the astrological signs and the extra numbers on cards 13-17. For colored pictures of the first page, as well as the deck, which appears to have accompanied the book, see http://www.tarotforum.net/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=2802242 (Kaplan, vol. 2 p. 401, says erroneously that the designs are like the Lismon decks. Pictures of the cards are on his p. 402.) These cards are issued again in 1857 (DDD p. 114).
1793b. January 20, King Louis XVI executed. Committee of Public Safety takes power, instituting “Reign of Terror.” October, Queen Marie Antoinette executed.
“1793?” 33 card pack (Petit Etteilla) published by “citoyen Saint-Sauveur” at “rue Nicaise, Section de les Tulleries, Paris.” DDD p. 274 n. 62: http://a-tarot.eu/p/2012/tarots/sauveur-6.jpg. citing Depaulis 1989, no. 98 and Keller 1981 no. FRA 191. Probably a misdating, see entry for c. 1797.
1794a. March. Hugand, under the name Jéjalel, is advertising his Course Complet: Théorique et Pratique du Livre de Thot (Complete Course: Theoretical and Practical, for reading the Book of Thoth). The book extends Etteilla's Cours Théorique et Pratique and unlike that one "is truly complete" (Decker p. 291 n20), It includes a list of synonyms (Decker p. 244). On p. 6 Hugand mentions that the Alexis from whom Etteilla learned about the Egyptian tarot was a "descendant" of the famous "Alexis Piémontese" (Decker, p. 191. Hugand also says (p. 72 of his book) that the name Jéjalel is from a Table of the 72 Cabalist Angels in the Zodiacus Vitae of Palingenius, where it is number 40; this is in contrast to its usual number, Decker says (p. 215), which is 58. (No such Table in either the French or the Latin editions of Palingenius that appear online. For more on this book, see the thread "Palingenio's Zodiacus Vita, 1535 Venice" at http://forum.tarothistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=854).
1794b. Hugand publishes under his real name a booklet Les decans francais: méditations politiques, morales, pour chaque jouir de l’année (French decans: political and moral meditations for each day of the year), https://books.google.com/books?id=V-5mQwAACAAJ&dq=inauthor:%22C.+Hugand%22&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjVpuuxqKXnAhXNop4KHdNBA-UQ6AEIKDAA. After 1794, DDD say (p. 102f), there is no trace of Hugand. However Huck has found a mathematics text by him published 1797, https://books.google.de/books/about/Le%C3%A7ons_%C3%A9l%C3%A9mentaires_de_calcul_%C3%A0_l_us.html?id=r6M5twAACAAJ&redir_esc=y&hl=de
1794c. In July. Robespierre and other members of the Committee of Public Safety executed.
1794d. Marriage in Grenoble 15 Messidor an II (3 July 1794). Groom is Joseph Marie de Barral Marquis de Montferrat (Guignard de Saint-Priest's cousin: his father is the brother of Guignard's mother). The bride is Bibiane (?) Joubert de La Salette, the sister of Pierre-Joseph Joubert de La Salette, general, musicologist, Etteilla's pupil, and author of the Dictionnaire synonimique du Livre de Thot of 1791 (http://tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=171379&page=7, post 69; with documents post 68). Both Pierre-Joseph Joubert de La Salette and Guignard were born in Grenoble, de La Salette in 1743 and Guignard in 1735 (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Joseph_Joubert_de_La_Salette, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois-Emmanuel_Guignard,_comte_de_Saint-Priest). Also born in Grenoble (1727) was La Tour, the “minister of war” in the 1790 deck for Guignard (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric_de_La_Tour_du_Pin_Gouvernet).
1796a. Saint-Sauver publishes Europe. Tome I, per announcement at http://a-tarot.eu/p/2012/tarots/sauveur-5.jpg. The address of the author is given as “rue Nicaise, maison de la section des Tulleries”. In the same year is his Encylopedia des Voyages, at https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=BD4TAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Jacques+Grasset-Saint-Sauveur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHrZPH-ZTKAhWL2BoKHfAZAvUQ6AEIIDAA#v=onepage&q=Jacques%20Grasset-Saint-Sauveur&f=false, at the same address, published by Deroy. It seems to be just about Asia.
1796b. L’Art de Tirer les Cartes, ou le Moyen de Lire dans l’Avenir (The art of reading the cards, or the means of reading into the future), with a treatise on interpreting dreams, and accompanied by a “jeu de cartes” (deck of cards), described negatively in a 1796 review at https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=XXO2K0eiruwC&pg=PA569&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&sig=ACfU3U2MOva76VlDXqARYMEcsYcn1QDuhw&ci=95%2C186%2C685%2C1068&edge=0. . According to Depaulis (personal communication to Kwaw of 24 Dec. 2015) it is the same as the booklet published in 1791, except that the spelling “cartonomancie” has been changed to “cartomancie”. It is for use with a Petit Etteilla deck. No author given. Published by Deroy, at the address “librarie, rue du Cimitiere-Andre-des-Arts, no. 15”. The content as described in the review corresponds to that of the LWB that accompanies the current Petit Etteilla published by France Cartes.
1796-1797 (“An V”). Deroy publishes Le Tireur de cartes, ou le petit cartomancien. This is described in detail in DDD, p. 98. It is a "compilation of different methods of card-reading", with much borrowing from L’Art de Lirer dans les Cartes (of 1791 and 1796). The part on the Petit Etteilla is introduced by an editor who says he asked Etteilla personally if he could reprint “some folios that fell into his hands” in 1772, originally published 1771. Etteilla told him that he wrote it when he was 15 or 16 years of age. DDD estimate that this conversation would have been 1782-3, based on a program of projected works that this editor also reports: except for the Cahiers of 1793, they are unknown and reflect Etteilla’s troubles with the censors then. It is this “Petit Etteilla” thus introduced that DDD suspect is the Abrège of 1753. For the suspected identity of the “compiler” in “an V” see entry for 1797-1798, “an VI”.
c. 1797. A re-issue of the 1791 Petit Etteilla (Depaulis, personal communication to Kwaw, 24 Dec. 2015, http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p=4547267&postcount=377
a mere copy (or a re-issue?) of these cards [first edition 1791 (see Wicked Pack, p. 96 and pl. 5)] appeared around 1797 under the name and signature of our dear friend "le citoyen Saint-Sauveur" (see Cary Coll., FRA 191; Les cartes de la Révolution 1989, n° 98). |
This is undoubtedly Depaulis’s new dating of the deck reported as “1793?” by DDD p. 274 n. 62: the other references are the same, no. 98 and FRA 191. It is also likely to be the same as a “1789-1804” Petit Etteilla deck at the BM, given with no images but with the following description (omitting line separations).
Incomplete piquet pack with 31 of 32 playing-cards for cartomancy (Etteilla), plus one extra card. Hand-coloured etching. Backs plain. Circa 1789-1804. Each card has in its centre a representation of a smaller card surrounded by various words and numbers. The pack has one extra card with "No. 1 Etteilla ou le Questionant" which bears the address "Chez le Cen. (citoyen) St Sauveur, Rue Nicaise...a Paris". |
This is at http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=3097986&partId=1&searchText=etteilla&page=1. Kwaw suggests, previous link, that this is possibly the deck that accompanied the booklet described in the review of 1796. In that case the author of at least part of the booklet in 1796b might be Saint-Sauver, and maybe of the 1791.)
1797a, reprinted 1799/1800. Depaulis (same reference as at beginning of previous entry)
Petit oracle des dames / Petit Etteilla' (both titles), later with "ou récréation du curieux" added, 42 cards, most double-headed, issued by Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, "A Paris, Chez l'Auteur, rue Nicaise Nr. 513. An cinquième / 1797", re-issued as 'Petit oracle des dames, ou récréation du curieux' in 1799 ("A Paris, Chez l'Auteur, rue Coq-Héron, Maison de France ; Deroy, libraire, rue Hautefeuille, n° 34, an VIII de la Rép. fr. [1799-1800]"); and reprinted later under the same or variant titles, notably by Gueffier, his widow and his son’. |
Depaulis offers no evidence, but this conclusion is suggested by the address of the author, that of Saint-Sauveur at rue Nicaise in 1797 (compare to other entries for Saint-Sauver: c. 1797/“1793?”, 1796a, 1797b) changed to rue Coq-Héron by 1799 (see entry for Dec. 1798/Jan. 1799. Argued at http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p=4542516&postcount=358 and http://forum.tarothistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=824&hilit=grasset. It is not clear what booklet accompanies the deck.
1797b. Date suggested for an "Oracle des Dames", without "Petit". See http://tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p=4579019&postcount=12 and after, and links there.
1797-1798 (“an VI”) Petit Escamoteur, by “citoyen” Saint-Sauveur, rue Nicaise, Section de les Tulleries, Paris, http://a-tarot.eu/p/2012/tarots/sauveur-6.jpg. Published in “an VI” (1797-1798), with Le Tireur de cartes, ou le petit cartomancien (first seen the previous year), but now with the publisher’s address that of Pigoreau (DDD p. 274, note 65). So it may be that the author of both Escamoteur and Tireur are written, or at least compiled, by Saint-Sauveur.
1797-1808. D’Odoucet imprisoned several times and under surveillance often, for anti-government printing activities. (DDD p. 104ff)
Dec. 1798/Jan. 1799. Saint-Sauveur publishes Tableau des principaux peuples de l’Europe, de l’Asie, de l’Afrique, & de l’Amerique, & les decouvertes des capitaines Cook, Laperouse, Wilson, etc., according to an announcement in Journal général de la littérature de France, Volume 2 of “Nivose an. 7", i.e. Dec/Jan 1798/1799. Saint-Sauveur’s name is listed, followed by the address is “chez l’auteur, rue Coq-Heron, maison de France, derriere de la Poste aux Lettres”. The announcement is at https://books.google.de/books?id=QwQ...%A9ron&f=false. One tableau is shown at http://www.dsloan.com/Auctions/A22/i...a-grasset.html. Google Books has the book at https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=...page&q&f=false The BnF has the text, or a variaton, at http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1158445/f388.item (from http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=249390 ). The BnF and Google Books’ title page has, besides the Coq-Heron address, also “a Bordeaux, chez la citoyenne Saint-Sauveur, sous le peistile de la grande Comedie”: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt...t-sauveur.zoom The date is “An VI”, i.e. Sept. 21, 1798-Sept. 21, 1799.
1798. L’Art de Tirer les Cartes, ou le Moyen de Lire dans l’Avenir, the 1796 in a new edition, including the treatise on interpreting dreams, but now with an application to the Lottery (http://www.livresanciens.eu/anciens/...tems/20048.jpg). This would seem to be an expanded version of the 1796 publication and not merely a reprint, since the other did not appear to have an application to the lottery. A “c. 1800” book described in DDD pp. 274f note 64 as a reprint of the 1791 “Etteilla, ou l’Art de lirer les cartes..” with the spelling “cartomancie”, is either this one or the 1796 (DDD do not give the full title, so it is impossible to say which they mean). The application to the lottery would seem to be the numbers appended to the dream symbol entries, as shown in the 1809 booklet at http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?p=3091451.
1799. Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt, which includes artists and scientists. Upon his November return, he becomes First Consul of France in a coup. Proclaimed Emperor in 1804.
1800, Jan. 19. Advertisement for booklet called Petit Oracle des Dames, ou recreation du curieux in Paris, with accompanying cards, “42 tableaux, often double, joined with ordinary cards”, .This is in the Journal Typographique et Bibliographique for “30 Nivose, An 8”, i.e. 19 Jan., 1800, on p. 115: https://books.google.de/books?id=KW4...0dames&f=false No author given, but the first address listed, "rue du Coq-Héron, maison de France et chez Deroy, rue Hautefeuille, No.34" is the same as for a publication of Saint-Sauveur (https://books.google.de/books?id=QwQ...%A9ron&f=false . The second is of the publisher Deroy. (See http://forum.tarothistory.com/viewto...grasset#p11735). A 19th century Grimaud lithograph of card 22 is at right. For the full modern Grimaud edition (1997?) of the 42-card “Petit Oracle des Dames” deck, see the first two posts of http://tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=171379. For an 1841 reprint of what is presumably still the same booklet, see http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt...te.langEN.zoom. For discussions of the philosophy behind the sequence, see http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread...=171379&page=2, post 18 and continuing on to p. 3 of the thread, picking up again at http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread...=171379&page=4, post 34 to the bottom of the page.
c. 1800a. DDD p. 143 mention a “Petit Oracle des Dames” published by "Mme. Finet", with 36 cards. DDD’s references (footnote 3, p. 282), are Depaulis, Les Cartes de la Revolution 1984 no. 1321984, Hoffmann & Kroppenstedt, Wahrsagencarte 1972 no. 68; Hoffmann and Dietrich Tarot - Tarock – Tarocchi 1988 no. 105; and Depaulis Mademoiselle Lenormand 1989, nos. 100, 101, and 102. This would seem to be a different book and game from Petit Oracle des Dames, ou recreation du curieux, given the difference in the title, and that it is for a 36 card deck, 32 piquet cards plus 4 “Etteilla” cards. The cards are probably the same as given in “c. 1789 or later” entry above.
c. 1800b. A "Grand Jeu de Geographie" produced, similar to Saint-Sauver's geographic deck of "c. 1789 or later". See http://tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p...2&postcount=33.
1801a. Publisher Deroy dies, his rights acquired by Gueffier jeune (http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.p...&postcount=367). Depaulis says (personal communication to Kwaw, above link):
Pierre-Charles-Augustin Gueffier, d. 1803/4), was succeeded by his widow, the Veuve Gueffier, who died in 1809 (a probate inventory is in our Archives Nationales), then by their son Gueffier jeune no. 2 (or Gueffier fils), who bought the remaining stock of Etteilla's books in 1817, and later (1823) sold Le Petit Oracle des Dames and Le Veritable Etteilla to Philippe-François Peytieux. |
1801b. For 13 April, (Journal des débats et des décrets -- Du 23 Germinal An 9) lists Le Petit Oracle des Dames, ou Combinaisons de 72 figures symboliques en 42 tableaux coloriés, formant la fin, complet de 52 cartes auxquelles est joint un livre qui indique la manière de lire dans le futur , at “Cabinet de Lecture, at boulevard Cerutti, No.21”. Price 3 fr. Image of entry at http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...psd14mj2pf.jpg. Given by Kwaw at http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.p...&postcount=344
1802a. Listing for “Petit Oracles des Dames, etc.” by Guillaume Fleisher, Annuare de la Librarie, Première Année, at https://books.google.de/books?id=Udh...ancien&f=false, given at http://forum.tarothistory.com/viewto...grasset#p11812). Also for “24 Messidor, An 10” (about 12 July 1802) in the Journal Typographique et Bibliographique, https://books.google.de/books?id=L3O...mes%22&f=false. This is again for “Le Petit Oracle des Dames, ou Recreations du Curieux, Guefflier, librarie, boulevard Cerutti.”
1802b. Fleischer also lists a “Petit Necromancier, ou le Tireur de Cartes...”. Address is in Bordeaux, that of Saint-Saveur’s engraver Labrousse, or perhaps of Saint-Saveur at that time; see http://tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p...30&postcount=1 . This could be a reprint of the 1796 publication, or of any other using 33 or 36 cards.
1802c. An Albert D’Alby publishes “L'Oracle parfait, ou nouvelle manière de tirer les cartes, au moyen de laquelle chacun peut tirer son horoscope”, online at https://books.google.de/books?id=nmV...gbs_navlinks_s and discussed at http://tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p...30&postcount=1 Mentioned by DDD p. 146 and note 8, p. 282. It will be part of the inventory of Gueuffier, documented in 1824 (http://tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p...&postcount=333 ) It is claimed that the book was approved by the censor in 1788, but difficulties prevented publication then. It uses three 36 card decks, each 32 + four special ones.
1804. D’Odoucet publishes vol. 1 of Sciences des signes, ou médecine de l’esprit, connu sous le nom d’Art de tirer les cartes; it is similar to Etteilla’s Cours théorique et pratique. (DDD p. 106).Online at https://archive.org/details/b22018529_0001/page/n7/mode/2up.
1805. Dec. 2. Battle of Austerlitz, Napoleon’s greatest military victory, defeating a combined Austrian-Russian army.
c. 1806. (Between July 1806 and August 1807, per DDD p. 107; but Philippe [http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.p...7&postcount=9] justly points out that the terminus is unjustified: Between July 1806 and Dec. 1808 is the most that can be said, the period in which the dedicee, if it is Talleyrand as universally believed, had the titles d'Odoucet gives him). D’Odoucet publishes Vol. 2 of Science des signes. This includes woodcuts of all the cards. (If he used woodcuts, he must not have had access to the original copper plates.) Philippe posted the first two cards, really parts of pages of the book (card 1 at right), at http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.p...&postcount=292, and all of the first 21 tarot cards at https://www.flickr.com/photos/315159...57662037222321. (These last at http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread...doucet&page=31.) The full title, translated, is Science of signs, or mind medicine, colloquially known under the name of card reading; containing the literal and philosophical meaning of the hieroglyphs and inscriptions of each sheet of the book of Thoth, their synonymous, homonymous, and numerical relationships, embellished with 78 woodcuts. Second Part. The book as a whole is online at https://archive.org/details/b22018529_0002/page/n6/mode/2up, with no date appearing on any page scanned.
1806a. Example of Petit Etteilla with 32 + 3 extra cards, published by Mme. Gueffier, at http://www.britishmuseum.org/researc...tteilla&page=1 The extras are Questionant, Questionnante, and one in color of Etteilla in a giant conical hat surrounded by magical paraphernalia. Sample pages are on view, including the manner of drawing cards and the interpretation of dreams. Lottery numbers for the years 1788 and 1789 are provided.
1806b. Veuve (Widow) Gueffier publishes 82 page Le petit oracle des dames, ou Récréation du curieux... / (par Alliette), with 42 coloured cards for Le Petite Oracle Des Dames, as listed in the 1806 Journal General de la Litterature de France (https://books.google.com/books?id=ii...effier&f=false ; also “Le Veritable Etteilla, ou l’Art de Tirer les Cartes", same link, brochure with 33 cards, including dream explications and applications to the imperial lottery. (found by Kwaw at http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.p...&postcount=316).
1807a. D’Odoucet publishes Vol. 3 of Science des Signes, per DDD p. 107. The full title, or most of it, translates as follows: Science of signs, or mind medicine, containing 1st, The understanding of numerical and astral sciences of the first Egyptians. 2nd The art of knowing the heart of man through his external signs; 3rd, An interesting survey of the diversity of minds and characters; 4th, The true origin of Freemasonry and initiation to the different ranks, third and last part, illustrated and engraved by M. D’Odoucet, one of the interpreters of the book of Thot, possessor of the collection [fonds] of Etteilla, his collaborator and continuator of his works. The book has a copper engraving showing a Masonic allegory with two pillars and bearing D’Odoucet’s name ('D’Odoucet invenit’) together with the signature of the engraver: “De Bonrecuille Scripts.” De Bonrecuille, another long-time disciple, was a known Mason. (DDD p. 107f). Vol. 3 is part of an upload of all three volumes, totalling 250 mb, by the Warburg Institute at https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/pdf/fmh4218b3243959.pdf.
1807b. A “Petit Oracle des Dames” is published by the Veuve (widow) Gueffier, 42 cards, with designs that DDD observe (p. 143) are partly from the 66 card fortune-telling pack of about 1790 and partly from Etteilla’s tarot pack. Images and booklet (page by page, 64 in all) are at http://gallica.bnf.fr/services/engin...#resultat-id-2, number 2. This deck appears to be the basis for the modern Grimaud (1997), per information at http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.p...62&postcount=6.
c. 1807. Date Kaplan gives for another "Petit Oracle des Dames", not colored, now in pieces with titles removed. Dogs face different direction than in the other. See http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.p...&postcount=394 and the one after.
1808. D’Odoucet is in Lille in November 1808, and there is no further trace of him (DDD, p. 106). Lille is where Blocquel and Casteaux start up their business in 1809 (from Cerulean, http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread...4546&page=2%29), citing Roger D.J. Collins, Journal de la Societe des oceistes. n. 81, 1985, pp. 235-240. Imperial decree now requires the licensing of printers. DDD observe that D'Odoucet is not among the Paris printers that were approved in the regulations in 1811.(Kaplan, vol. 2 p. 401, says erroneously that the designs are like the Lismon decks. Pictures of the cards are on his p. 402.) These cards are issued again in 1857 (DDD p. 114).
Re: 1797 - 1808 - prosecution of D'Odoucet for printing of seditious material. For example, see his 'Section des requêtes : aux citoyens membres du Tribunal de cassation' :
Nice find, Steve: D'Odoucet imprisoned in Paris, 1798.